1963 Liepe Family Reunion – Grunow Family
Mouse over for name and dates.

Top L to R: Ernest Robert Grunow (1920-2009), Bertha E (Gaupp) Grunow (1921), Charles Robert Braun Jr. (1939) holding Marcia Braun (1960),
Betty Ann (Ricci) Braun holding Charles Robert Braun III (1961), Henry Christian Grunow (1891-1968), Albert Charles Grunow (1889-1965),
Viola Minnie Grunow (1922), Henry Christian Grunow Jr. (1922-1965), Dewey August Grunow (1898-1973),
August Christian Heinrich Grunow (1907-1972), Willard Raymond Grunow (1926), Shirley J (Grunow) Moncrief (1929-2008), Loris Marie (Kienzle) Grunow (1929)
Seated L to R: Elsie H (Grunow) Braun (1903-1989), Adelaide Sophia (Carty) Grunow (1901-1987), Emma L (Moeller) Grunow (1893-1981),
Martha C (Sahl) Grunow (1894-1999), Mary (Jackson) Grunow (1902-1985), Helen M (Dutch) Grunow (1911-1977), Eleanor Marie (Newton) Grunow (1924-2002)
Kneeling L to R: Ernest Robert Grunow (1949), William F Moncrief (1949), Jeffrey Richard Grunow (1954), Richard L Calimer (1954), Robert Moncrief (1956)
Front: Lynn Martha Grunow (1955), Kathie Anne Grunow (1955), Sharon Loris Grunow (1956), Anne Marie Grunow (1959)
Thank you to Willard Raymond Grunow and daughter Lynn Martha Grunow
Liepe Family History